What do birds and software testers have in common?
If you ever mock REST APIs, you definitely want to join the mighty bird 🐦 in the journey to smash bugs! 🦟 Discover one of the biggest shortcomings of API mocking tools and how to overcome it. Attention! ⚠️ After this talk, you may never look at your mocks the same!
- Enjoys street photography.
- Likes books. Loves sunlight.
- Was called a minimalist a minimal number of times.
- Turned vegetarian.
- Also, shipped features relying solely on automated tests. No manual testing whatsoever.
How to create the npm-wrapper for a new driver?
Dzmitry Lemechko - SDET @ Elastic
I’m pretty sure that many people are using webdriver for test automation, and are familiar with drivers that manage the browsers. I will share a quick story on how to create npm-wrapper for a Chromium-based Edge driver, that can be used to download the driver of compatible version and provide paths you need to start a webdriver session. https://www.npmjs.com/package/ms-chromium-edge-driver
I have been working in Test Automation/ CI area for around a decade.