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PyTest: The Awesome Parts - Online Meetup

PyTest: The Awesome Parts

Josh Grant, Solution Architect at Sauce Labs

PyTest is an excellent test tool and library for use with Python. I want to talk about the awesome parts of it. In this talk, I’ll discuss some of these awesome parts including

  • How to write and run some basic tests using Pytest - without any messy overhead
  • What are fixtures and how to use them
  • The Pytest-selenium plugin and what it provides to help with browser-based testing.

Josh Grant is a Solution Architect at Sauce Labs. He’s been with Sauce since 2018 and been working in test automation since 2010. He’s worked on building Selenium-based test frameworks in Java and Protractor, API test frameworks in Python and CI systems with Jenkins. As a Solution Architect at Sauce Labs, he’s helped customers big and small with their test frameworks and test approaches in a variety of languages and settings. He’s also into big ideas and beautiful food. He’s based in Toronto.
