Beginning Test Automation: Part 3 of 3
Lindsay Walker - Technical E-Learning Developer at Sauce Labs
This meetup is the final of three 90-minute virtual events intended for those interested in learning about test automation.
As a refresher, this 3-part series is designed to help you learn about the basics of what automated testing is, what your options are, why automated testing is a great career opportunity, and how to write some simple tests. Each workshop will consist of a 30-45 minute presentation, followed by an assignment and workshop time with some test automation experts
Part 3 - Advanced Testing Features (April 6)
In this third session, users will learn about the Page Object Model and the advantages of abstracting test methods and test data to make maintainable test code. There will be a demo of abstracting test methods into a separate page class. We will also talk about web drivers, and how you can use WebDriverManager to facilitate this. Work as a group through setting up a test to run on Sauce Labs as outlined in lesson 4.05
Users will follow steps to move certain code from a single test class into page & test objects, as well as create a Config file to store test variables for the application under test ( and the configuration for Sauce Labs. Complete Module 3 and run it on Sauce Labs.
Additional Links:
How to Test on Sauce Labs:
Heroku App:
Module 3:
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● Proven content director with experience architecting and managing the development of high-quality curriculum using iterative processes to polish & create the highest quality content.
● Led the creation and implementation of training programs for adult employees
● Project manager for the development of a proprietary learning application’s software and technical educational content.
● Instructional video & assessment development expert.
● Developer & implementer of business processes and feedback loops for an emerging technology startup.
● Strong academic foundation and experienced content developer in all four STEM fields, with extensive research and writing skills, as well as research experience on the topics of computational thinking, equity, assessment, and theories of learning.
● Have written or directed over 20 full-length courses with over 1000 lessons including tutorial videos, teacher lesson plans, assessments, worksheets, written tutorials, and Scope & Sequences aligned to state and national standards.
On the board of directors for Delta Kappa Gamma Alpha Chapter, An organization that promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.
Co-organizer of EdTech Austin, a group that brings together innovative technology companies and educators within the Austin area.